12月2日北陸新幹線試験走行列車歓迎イベント Hokuriku Shinkansen train test run welcome event December 2


上越妙高駅 5:30~9:00 頃
【内 容】
・ゆるキャラとの記念撮影 など

黒部宇奈月温泉駅 14:00 〜 16:30
【内 容】

The December 2 , test run the first train to be run in the Hokuriku Shinkansen scheduled to open in spring 2015 .
Be carried out in Kurobe Unazuki Onsen Station between from Nagano Station , at home , running test is done is welcome event in every station of Iiyama Joetsu , Myoko ITOIGAWA Kurobe Unazuki hot spring .
There is a significant application in the lottery , your send-off and pick-up at home , can watch the high level of attention in the Hokuriku Shinkansen at every station .
In addition , an event to commemorate the test trains outside of the station will be held . ( Reservation is not needed )

Joetsu Myoko Station around 5:30 to 9:00
[Location] underpass
[ Contents]
– ( Live a state of the welcome ceremony with the test train arrival ) large screen installation
· (Yamato club , Wada district promotion council ) rice ball behavior , of miso soup with pork and vegetables
· Memorial shooting with loose character

Kurobe Unazuki Onsen Station 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
[Location] East Exit Square
[ Contents]
· I live a pattern of welcoming ceremony by the TV camera
Quiz & Survey
Arrival fireworks
– ( There is also a PR booth of railway companies running the Shinkawa region) model railway exhibition and display panel
Yul large character set
· The behavior of hot drink
And will be performed .
Thing of yours truly has also been published in the photo of East eye of the panel display .

In the case of the visit us at the event to Kurobe Unazuki Onsen Station , please have a look .

一個人鉄道動画館更新しました。歴代のJR埼京線 Was a single individual moving railway museum update. JR Saikyo Line successive



This time, I have introduced the Saikyo Line of history.
Enjoy the video “103 series”, “Series 205” and “E233 system 7000 series”.